We Offer a Wide Array of Services

Our unique blend of pre-integrated automation tools, partnerships with leading Cybersecurity vendors, and team of well trained, vendor certified, cybersecurity experts enables us to cover a broad scope of services ranging from strategic planning to hands on implementation.

Cybersecurity Advisory Services

As a CISO charged with formulating and executing strategic security initiatives, you are challenged with finding pragmatic and efficient methods that properly balance your organizations business needs and risk profiles. Our cybersecurity advisors will help you fulfill your mandate, strengthen your leadership presence, and gain the backing of executive peers.

Cybersecurity Training & Awareness

How do we stand out from the crowd? We invite thought leaders in cybersecurity from top Fortune 500 companies to train your next generation of cybersecurity professionals. Our Security Experts handle security events day in and day out with up to the minute insights to assure improvements in your team's efficacy when designing, developing, deploying, testing, and analyzing risk.

Data Lifecycle Governance & Protection

The most valuable information in your organization should be guarded and tracked as if your company’s survival depended on it. While data loss prevention is where many enterprises start, it’s just one component of a larger strategy for critical data protection. SevenSecur provides a comprehensive approach, with its seven key practices, to protect your most critical data.

Managed Security Services

SevenSecur offers custom security services, security automation services. SevenSecur help secure data asset and Information system from Cybercriminals. We help you to come out clean through compliance and regulatory audits. Our Security Professionals are well trained in protecting data and information systems and risk based vulnerability management.